0034 966 444 615 | |
wynajem@ibermaxx.pl | |
12080525 ibermaxx |
Tourist office of Spain
2 Bloor Street West, Suite 3402
Toronto, Ontario M4W 3E2
Telefon 1416/9613131 Fax 1416/9611992
e-mail toronto@tourspain.es
Den Spanske Stats Turist Bureau
Ny Ostergade, 34 1101 Kobenhavn-k
Telefon 45 33186630 Fax 45 33158365
e-mail copenhague@tourspain.es
Tourist office of Spain
Water Tower Place
845, North Michigan Avenue. Suite 915E, Chicago ILL 60611
Telefon 1312/ 6421992 Fax 1312/6429817
e-mail chicago@tourspain.es
Los Angeles
Tourist office of Spain
8383, Wilshire Blvd. Suite 960, Beverly Hills, California 90211
Telefon 1323/ 6587195 Fax 1323/6581061
e-mail losangeles@tourspain.es
Tourist office of Spain
1395 Brickell Avenue, Suite 1130 Miami, Florida 33131
Telefon 1305/ 3581992 Fax 1305/ 3588223
e-mail miami@tourspain.es
Nowy Jork
Tourist office os Spain
666 Fift Avenue 36th Floor, New York, N.Y. 10103
Telefon 1212/ 2658822 Fax 1212/ 2658864
e-mail newyork@tourspain.es
Espanjan Valtion Matkailutoimisto
Mechelininkatu, 12-14, 00100 Helsinki
Telefon 3589/ 44992 Fax 3589/ 442687
e-mail helsinki@tourspain.es
Office Espagnol du Turisme
Rue Decamps, 43
75784 Paris Cedex-116
Telefon 331/ 45038250 Fax 331/ 40725204
e-mail parís@tourspain.es
Mapa Hiszpanii pokazująca najczęściej odwiedzane regiony kraju przez turystów
Spanish Tourist Office
2nd floor. 79 New Cavendish Street, London W1W 6xB
Telefon 4420/74868077 Fax 4420/ 74868034
e-mail info.londres@tourspain.es
Spaans Bureau Voor Vreemdelingenverkeer
Laan Van Meerdervoort 8A, 2517 Aj den Haag
Telefon 3170/ 3465900/ 01 – 3609205 fax 3170/ 3649859
e-mail lahaya@tourspain.es
Ufficio Spagnolo del Turismo
Via Broletto 30, Milano 20121
Telefon 3902/ 72004617 Fax 3902/ 72004318
e-mail milan@tourspain.es
Ufficio Spagnolo del Turismo
Via del Mortaro, 19. Interno 5. Roma 00187
Telefon 3906/ 6783106 Fax 3906/6798272
e-mail roma@tourspain.es
Tourist Office of Spain
Daini Toranomon. Denki Bldg, 6F
3-1-10 Toranomon. Minato-Ku. Tokio 105-0001, Japonia
Telefon 813/ 34326141 – 34326142 Fax 813/ 34326144
e-mail tokio@tourspain.com
Oficina Espanola de Turismo
Alejandro Dumas, 211 – Colonia Polanco. 11560 Mexico DF
Telefon 525/ 5311785 – 5457322 – 2554722 Fax 525/ 52554782
e-mail mexico@tourspain.es
Den Spanske Stats Turistbyra
Kronprinsensgt, 3. 0251 Oslo
Telefon 47/ 22-834092 Fax 47/ 22-831922
e-mail oslo@tourspain.es
Biuro Turystyki Państwa Hiszpańskiego
Atrium centrum. Aleja Jana Pawła II, 27
PL-00867 Warszawa
Telefon 48-22-6536416 Fax 48-22-6536415
e-mail varsovia@tourspain.es
Delegacao Oficial de Turismo Espanhol
Avda. Sidonio país, 28-3 dto. 1050-215 Lisboa
Telefon 351/ 3571992 Fax 351/ 21/ 3540332
e-mail lisboa@tourspain.es
Oficina Espanola de Turismo
Tverskava – 16/ 2 Edificio 3. Moscu 103009
Telefon 7095/ 9358399 Fax 7095/ 9358396
e-mail moscu@tourspain.es
Spanish Tourist office
541 Orchard Road, 09-04 Liat Towers, Singapore 238881
Telefon 65/ 7373008 Fax 65/ 7373173
e-mail singapore@tourspain.es
Spanska Statens Turistbyra
Stureplan 6, S11435 Stockholm, Suecia
Telefon 468/ 6115625 Fax 65/ 6114407
e-mail estocolmo@tourspain.es
Office Espagnol du Tourisme
Rue Ami-Levrier 15, 2 – 1201 Geneve
Telefon 4122/ 7311133 Fax 4122/ 7311366
e-mail ginebra@tourspain.es
Spanisches Fremdenverkehrsamt
Seefeldstrasse, 19 Ch. 8008 Zurich, Suiza
Telefon 4144/ 2527930/ 31 Fax 4144/ 2526204
e-mail zurich@tourspain.es
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